On Saturday 23 June, the government’s most secret agency, The Ministry of Lost & Found is at Central Library for a family friendly afternoon of exploration, fun and laughter. Suitable for intrepid explorers only, families will pick up a map from the lost and found office and get lost on a quest around the library. In this extra special announcement, The Ministry is calling out for hats for the Lost & Found Office, which will be dedicated to dressing-up fun on the day.
Please help by donating any unwanted hats to the hat box at Reception at Z-arts or at the Help Desk at Central Library (ground floor) by Monday 18 June.
To say thanks for your help, let us help you get lost in a different world for a couple of minutes. Let us take you into the wonderful world of hats with The Ministry’s very own Frankie Found…
1) Frankie – thanks for talking to us about hats! Please name your favourite three type of hats.
Big ones, small ones and fabulous ones!
2) Why are hats such good fun?
Hats are happy things! Heads needs hats, you can become anything with the right hat one. Pop one on and ‘voila’ you have suddenly become an explorer or mad scientist! My hat says ‘There goes Frankie, finding Fabulous facts!’
3) Do you have any hat memories to share?
When I was small a Hat once said to me ‘let’s go on an adventure!’ Well, as you can imagine I was rather taken aback as I thought Hat’s didn’t talk. However, it seemed this one did, and hats don’t lie so I agreed. We spent the most amazing day together exploring Leo’s back garden, it’s brilliant how many exciting things you can find, and the games you can play with a hat on!
4) Have you ever lost or found a hat…tell us more.
Oh yes.. I had a favourite hat (cue violin music), it was leopard print with a brim, higher on one side than the other, with feathers and gold buttons making a pattern around it, it could flash lights in the dark and tell funny stories. One day I woke up and my special hat was gone. It had been talking about going travelling (I think it was having a mid-life crisis!). Thank goodness it didn’t come home with a motorbike…
Frankie Found, with her friend, Leo Lost, will be meeting and greeting all of our visitors at The Ministry of Lost & Found on Saturday 23 June. Frankie looks forward to meeting you! Find out more about The Ministry of Lost & Found here