Tiny Fun Palaces
Join Angela and Siobhan at Central Library to help you make your Tiny Fun Palace in a Bag. Places are very limited!
Booking is essential via Eventbrite
You can also pick up a Free Mini Fun Palace in a Bag from these libraries: Central Library, Fallowfield Library, Forum Library, Longsight Library and North City Library. The Mini Fun Palace Bag contains a few items to get you started with our activities, plus instructions and links to the videos. You will also need a few other recycling items and anything else you have at home to help decorate your makes. Bags are free but we have limited supplies so Early Birds – get to your local Fun Palace Library and make sure you get one – When they’re gone, they’re gone!
Manchester Libraries will also be online for a fun-filled day of Fun Palace activities from our wonderful communities and partners. We love sharing our passions for arts, culture, science and technology, learning new creative skills and making new friends and this year is no different – we’ve just gone Digital! There’s lots of fun for all ages from children to adults.