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Made In Manchester: Power Up! Getting to the next level in the Gaming & Apps Industries

The Gaming and Apps industries are BIG business. Nearly 2.2 billion people play games worldwide, and the global market for video games was worth $138 billion dollars in 2018, set to rise to $180 billion in 2021. Nearly half of that will come from Mobile revenues.

Our panel of industry experts will discuss what it takes to be successful in these massive industries, and offer tips and advice.

The panel includes:

Stephen Hey

Stephen’s career spans 26 years of games PR, advertising, product marketing and latterly the role of Marketing Director at EA studio, Chillingo. He has worked on some stand out games and franchises from Worms, Lego Star Wars, Resident Evil, Cut The Rope and Micro Machines to WWE, FIFA, PES and other acronym based classics. He now runs games marketing consultancy HeyStephenHey.

Steve Hilton

Founder of Liberty Apps, an agency started to produce life changing smart phone applications. Presented technology talks around the nation at 20+ events regarding Culture, Chatbots & Mobile Apps.

Winner of the NHS Hackday, Homeless Hack, Hacking the Future of Energy, Public Health England HackX and the most prolific networker in Manchester Meetup Tech Scene 2018.

Plus more to be announced!

Hosted by Martyn Walsh from Manchester’s very own Inspiral Carpets and the Creative Industries Guru in Residence at the BIPC.

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