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In conversation with Sir Richard Leese

This is a live audience event. The booking includes access to post-event networking where drinks will be served.
Sir Richard Leese, the Leader of Manchester City Council, is stepping down in December  after 25 years at the helm, overseeing a redevelopment of the city centre after the 1996 IRA bomb, followed by an extensive regeneration and reimagining of Manchester.
In this event at the Central Library, Design Manchester’s Kasper de Graaf will ask Richard about his vision and the outcomes, looking at Richard’s stewardship of the city through a design lens. How does the development help deliver the inclusive, sustainable and equitable city envisaged in the Our Manchester strategy? Is the process of cooperation and development across the city-region changing as a result of the devolution that Richard has done so much to bring about? What scope does he envisage in the future for artists, creative start-ups and communities to co-design the city?
In conversation with Sir Richard Leese is produced by Design Manchester in partnership with the Business & IP Centre Greater Manchester as a special edition in their regular series of Scale-up Sessions, and with Manchester Central Library.

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