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Children’s Chatter Books Reading Group


Do you like reading and trying new activities?  Do you want to share books you have read and make new friends?

We are starting a very special new reading group at Central Library and we are looking for members aged 8-10 year old. The reading group will run for 6 sessions. We will meet once a month on Saturdays and you will get a special joining pack to help you record the books you read.

Every session will have a theme and activities around it (i.e. superheros, comics, spies, animals).  If it’s your birthday in the month then you will receive a book as a gift!

We only have 10 places, so if you are interested please email m.pasha@manchester.gov.uk and we will contact you to let you know if you have a place and further details.

If you don’t get a place in the group you will be placed on a waiting list.