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Word Central Open Mic Poetry and Spoken Word

Hosted by Melanie Rees with special guest poet copland smith.

copland smith, a mathematician and ecologist, is a poet (three times being amongst the runners-up in The National Poetry Competition), fiction writer, songwriter, playwright, translator, essayist, naturalist and photographer. Born and adopted in Liverpool, brought up in Wallasey and North Wales, he now lives in Manchester, where he runs Manchester Poets.

Open mic slots for September are fully booked, but to get your name on the reserve list please email mail@flapjackpress.co.uk.

In association with Flapjack Press and Manchester Library & Information Service.

www.flapjackpress.co.uk | www.facebook.com/WordCentral | www.twitter.com/@WordCentralMcr

Manchester Central Library, St. Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD. 6pm – 8pm [doors open 5.30pm] – Free Entry.