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It’s the Wrong Way to Tickle Mary

Mad Theatre Company and the Delaney (Community) Theatre Group invite you on a funny and poignant journey through the north west’s rich cultural history to the time of the suffragettes and the First World War.

This event at Manchester Central Library will feature selected scenes from Moston-based MaD Theatre Company’s original play, It’s the wrong way to tickle Mary, which sold-out in autumn 2018 at the Lowry Theatre, Salford, Rochdale Literature and Ideas Festival and the Met Theatre, Bury.

MaD writer/directors Rob Lees and Jill Hughes will then join cast members to discuss their experience of creating and staging the play in an audience-led Q & A session.

This event comes ahead of a final full performance of It’s the Wrong Way to Tickle Mary at Salford Arts Theatre on Thursday 7 February 2019:

It’s the Wrong Way to Tickle Mary is part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council and John Fell Fund-funded partnership involving the University of Oxford, MaD Theatre Company, Charlotte Delaney, the Guinness Partnership, Salford Women’s Aid and the Working Class Movement Library.